Turkey’s Cheese Exports 96.5% of the cheese produced in our country is obtained from cow’s milk. Total cheese production in Turkey was 767 thousand tons in 2020 and 763 thousand tons in 2021. There are around 180 to 200 types of cheese in our country.
739 thousand 774 tons of cheese produced in 2020 was obtained from cow’s milk, and 27 thousand 173 tons from sheep, goat, buffalo or mixed milk. 735 thousand 733 tons of cheese produced in 2021 was obtained from cow’s milk, 27 thousand 533 tons of cheese was obtained from sheep, goat, buffalo or mixed milk.
What is the place of cheese in foreign trade? Although our country’s cheese exports have fluctuated over the years, it is generally in an increasing trend. The rate of increase in our cheese exports in the last 10 years is 33 percent. Compared to 2020, when the production amount was at its highest level, it increased by 62 percent. Our cheese exports by years; 114.2 million dollars in 2011, 129 million dollars in 2012, 160.8 million dollars in 2013, 179 million dollars in 2014, 169.7 million dollars in 2015, 163.8 million dollars in 2016, 2017 It was realized as 165.5 million dollars in Turkey, 182.1 million dollars in 2018, 174.9 million dollars in 2019, 185.2 million dollars in 2020, and 152 million dollars in 2021