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Record exports of 4.4 billion dollars in 5 months from the textile and raw materials sector

Record exports of 4.4 billion dollars in 5 months from the textile and raw materials sector

According to the data of the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM), Turkey’s exports increased by 15.2 percent in May compared to the same month of the previous year and amounted to 19 billion dollars. With the said value, the highest May export figure of all time was reached.

In the January-May period of this year, exports increased by 20.4 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, reaching 102.5 billion dollars. The annualized export value, on the other hand, reached 242.6 billion dollars.

The textile and raw materials sector, which exported more than 743 million dollars in May last year, reached 767 million dollars in exports with an increase of 3.2 percent in the same period of this year.

The textile and raw materials sector realized an export of 4 billion 409 million dollars in January-May 2022, with an increase of 11.2 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.

A portion of 316 million dollars of the sector’s exports last month was made from Istanbul. Istanbul was followed by Gaziantep with 132 million dollars and Bursa with 87 million dollars.

The sector made the highest export sales to Italy in May

In the textile and raw materials sector, Italy was the country with the highest export sales last month, with 73 million dollars. Italy was followed by the USA with 45 million dollars and Spain with 44 million dollars.

Looking at the country groups to which the most exports were made last month, EU countries ranked first with 316 million dollars, the Commonwealth of Independent States ranked second with 117 million dollars, and African countries ranked third with 99 million dollars.

The textile and raw materials sector, which exports to 166 countries and regions in May, received a 4 percent share from the country’s total exports in the same period.

“We aim to be one of the top 3 exporters in the world”

Ahmet Öksüz, President of Istanbul Textile and Raw Materials Exporters’ Association (İTHİB), stated that as the Turkish textile industry, they continue to work without slowing down to reach their goal of renewing the historical record of the Republic that they broke in 2021, and said, “Our industry has made a good start to 2022. Every month in the first 5 months of 2022 “We have reached the historical records of the Republic on a monthly basis, exceeding the export value we realized in the previous month. We aim to achieve an export of 15 billion dollars at the end of the year. Again, by the end of this year, we aim to achieve an increase in exports in at least 85% of our export markets.” he said.

Öksüz stated that as İTHİB, they continue to work to increase Turkey’s share in global exports and to ensure market diversity, and said:

“In addition to our works where we bring our companies together with global brands with sectoral trade and procurement committees, we are holding our I of the World-New York fair, which is the only sectoral export products fair organized among Exporters’ Associations in the USA, specifically for the fabric sector. Our fair, which we will hold for the third time this year, is 20-21 It will open its doors between July and July. With the effect of the fair we will organize, we predict that we will easily reach exports of over 1 billion dollars to the USA this year.”

Öksüz stated that, as İTHİB, they have implemented many studies that will carry the sector forward on the issue of sustainability, which is the most important agenda item and priority of the sector, “We aim to make Turkish textile a world brand in the medium term with our delegations and fairs that will provide market diversity in exports, our projects that will increase added value, and our promotional activities.” We aim to be one of the top 3 exporters in the world.” made its assessment.

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